

            Tiistaina 15.3.2005         Hanasaaren Kulttuurikeskus, Espoo


Tuulivoima kasvuun teknologiaa kehittämällä

8.30 Ilmoittautuminen ja aamukahvi  

Puheenjohtajana hallituksen puheenjohtaja Ismo Jauhiainen, Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy

  9.00 Avaussanat

·         Hallituksen puheenjohtaja Ismo Jauhiainen

9.15 Tuulivoima ympäristöministeriön näkökulmasta

·     Ympäristöministeri Jan-Erik Enestam

9.40 Tuulivoima tulevaisuuden Suomessa - tekniikka, talous, ympäristö

·     Toimialajohtaja Mikko Kara, VTT prosessit

10.05 Tekes tuulivoimateknologian ja -liiketoiminnan kehittämisen tukijana

·     Teknologiajohtaja Martti Äijälä, Tekes

10.30 Kahvitauko ja tutustuminen näyttelyyn

Chairman Dr Hannele Holttinen, Reseach Scientist, VTT Processes

11.00 Promotion of Renewable Energy in the EU

·     Mr Luc Werring, Head of Unit, European Comission, DG TREN

11.30 Identifying and mitigating risks associated with financing wind farms

·     Mr Peter Raftery, Director, Garrad Hassan & Partners Ltd

12.00 Development on Wind Power in China, views and challenges

·     NN

12.30 Lounas ja tutustuminen näyttelyyn

Puheenjohtaja johtaja Jyrki Virtanen, Metso Drives Oy

13.45 Tuulivoimainvestoinnin toteutus kilpailukykyisesti

·     Toimitusjohtaja Timo Mäki, Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy

14.15 Tuulivoimalan rakenteiden kehittäminen ja kustannusten alentaminen

·   Tuulivoimalan laparakenteet
Myyntipäällikkö Anne Summanen, Ahlström Glasfiber Oy

·   Tuulivoimalan uudet sähköntuotantojärjestelmät
Sijoitusjohtaja Jarmo Saaranen, VNT Management Oy

·   Tuulivoimalan rungon kustannustehokas valmistus
Toimitusjohtaja Petri Metsola, Levator Oy

15.15 Tuulivoimatuotannon asema sähkömarkkinoilla

·     Toimitusjohtaja Sakari Suontaka, Kymppivoima Hankinta Oy

15.45 Seminaarin yhteenveto / Jyrki Viitanen

16.00 Tilaisuus päättyy




STY Suomen Tuulivoimayhdistys ry            Energiateollisuus            Teknologia teollisuus

                        Global Windpower


Conference & Exhibition

            Sunnuntai 28.3.2004 - keskiviikko 31.3.2004         Chicago ILLINOIS



Conference Sessions Kick Off Campaign to Bring Investors
Up to Date on Wind Technology's Progress and Potential

The upcoming Global WINDPOWER 2004 Conference and Exhibition, scheduled for Chicago, Ill., March 28-31, will feature four sessions on financing of wind energy projects as part of a new strategic initiative by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) to encourage investment in this emerging industry.

"Global WINDPOWER 2004 will focus on finance as never before," explained AWEA Executive Director Randall Swisher. "This is one of several key areas that we have identified as critical to the wind industry's future growth, and we will be using this conference to begin the process of educating the financial community about the industry's potential and the returns it can deliver to investors."

The new emphasis on finance follows a recent decision by AWEA to retain Michelle L. Vensel of Protean Advisors, a consultant with extensive experience in corporate financing, to lead a systematic effort to educate potential investors. Vensel was formerly Vice President, Global Energy with GE Capital Structured Finance Group, Inc., of Stamford, Conn.

Vensel said the Global WINDPOWER 2004 finance program will seek to address issues that have cropped up frequently during her conversations with investors: "Despite the recent spread of wind projects in the U.S., there remains a lack of knowledge about the technology and risks within the sector, on the financial community's part, that the wind industry must address before it can attract investment in a major way."


Lisätietoja: American Wind Power Association

  Osoite: 122 C Street NW, Suite 380 Washington, DC 20001

WEB:    www.awea.org



            Torstaina 25.3.2004         Hanasaaren Kulttuurikeskus, Espoo


Suomalaisen tuulivoima-alan kehittämisen haasteet


8.20 Ilmoittautuminen ja aamukahvi

Puheenjohtajana Mikko Niinivaara, ABB Oy


9.00 Avaussanat

Toimitusjohtaja Mikko Niinivaara, ABB Oy

9.10 Näkökulmia kehittämisen haasteisiin

·         Johtaja Arto Piela, Pohjolan Voima Oy

·         Kehitysjohtaja Jorma Koivusipilä, ABB Oy

·         Puheenjohtaja Bengt Tammelin, Suomen Tuulivoimayhdistys ry

9.40 Tuulivoiman näkymät Suomessa

Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeri Mauri Pekkarinen

10.10 Kahvitauko ja tutustuminen näyttelyyn

Puheenjohtajana johtaja Arto Piela, Pohjolan Voima Oy


10.40 Promoting Wind Energy in Great Britain

Ms Claire Durkin, Director and Head

Energy Innovation and Businesses, Department of Trade and Industry

11.30 Tuulivoima alueiden käytön ja kehittämisen suunnittelussa

Maakuntajohtaja Olav Jern, Pohjanmaan liitto

12.00 Lounas ja tutustuminen näyttelyyn

Puheenjohtajana Bengt Tammelin, Suomen Tuulivoimayhdistyksen puheenjohtaja


13.15 Experience in Wind Projeck in Austia

Mr Johannes Truttmansdorff, General Director,

Taurenwind Windkraftanlagen GmbH

14.00 Suomalainen case: 3 MW:n tuulivoimalan tuotekehitysprojekti

Toimitusjohtaja Veli-Matti Jääskeläinen, Winwind Oy

14.30 Kahvitauko

14.50 Paneelikeskustelu, puheenjohtajana johtaja Pekka Pokela, Teknologiateollisuus ry



·         Johtaja Arto Peila, Pohjolan Voima Oy

·         Kehitysjohtaja Jorma Koivusipilä, ABB Oy

·         Puheenjohtaja Bengt Tammelin, Suomen Tuulivoimayhdistys

·         Aluesuunnitteluneuvos Ulla Koski, YM

·         Voimapäällikkö Kalle Patomeri, Kotkan Energia Oy

16.00 Yhteenveto / Pekka Pokela

16.15 Tilaisuuden päätös




STY Suomen Tuulivoimayhdistys ry            Finergy            Teknologia teollisuus


            Keskiviikko 26.01.2005 - torstai 27.01.2005         Berlin GERMANY



Conference Sessions Kick Off Campaign to Bring Investors
Up to Date on Wind Technology's Progress and Potential in Europe

By the year 2020, 200,000 MW of power plant capacity in Europe must be replaced. By then, on one hand, fossils fuels will have been run short, but on the other hand, regenerative sources of energy become an increasingly more attractive alternative.

The international conference "CLEAN ENERGY POWER® 2005" will take place from January 26-27, 2005, in the International Congress Centre (ICC) in Berlin. The conference "CLEAN ENERGY POWER® 2005" is one of a kind in Germany and offers with its mixture of impulse and initiative congresses, application-oriented seminars, and trade forums a comprehensive overview about renewable energy, energy-efficiency, and sustainable building and renovation. The conference and the accompanying exhibition brings the international growth in the market for renewable energy and energy-efficiency into account through an international focus and communication.

The CLEAN ENERGY POWER® 2005 incorporates international, national, and regional conferences, symposiums, and workshops from the sectors of technology, research, marketing, consulting, international markets, software, financing, promotion, emissions trading, and networking.


1st Thermophotovoltaics Symposium
From research to implementation

Legislation Seminar - Photovoltaics Operators and Investment Companies
Legal aspects of solar investment companies combined with the most important organization forms for operating companies

International Project Financing for Export and Technology Transfer: Problems and Perspectives
English-speaking overview of international project financing, instruments, perspectives

3rd Renewable Energy Media Forum
Germany's meeting point for PR specialists and journalists

Export Workshop - International Climate Protection Projects: Implementation of the Flexible Mechanisms JI and CDM
Fundamentals of the implementation Kyoto-Protocol requirements

Perspectives of Decentralized Energy Systems - Micro-Cogeneration, Areal Networks, Virtual Power Plants, Incentive Systems
Routing event of the Federal Ministry of the Environment about the topic of cogeneration

Federal Forum - Energy-Efficient Renovation
Complete overview about renovation as a whole - from a general framework to research to model projects and part.

The exhibition CLEAN ENERGY POWER® 2005 will appeal not only to the 1,800 expected visitors, from which 800 will participate in the conference, but additionally to the  highly-interested visitors of the 70th International Green Week (IGW), taking place at the neighboring exhibition center. Additionally, more than 500 agricultural decision makers and numerous media representatives are expected at the "International Agricultural Policy Forum", taking place in parallel. The ICC Berlin is conveniently located beside the flow of visitors from the IGW.

The new emphasis on finance follows a recent decision by AWEA to retain Michelle L. Vensel of Protean Advisors, a consultant with extensive experience in corporate financing, to lead a systematic effort to educate potential investors. Vensel was formerly Vice President, Global Energy with GE Capital Structured Finance Group, Inc., of Stamford, Conn.

Topic overview
Pellets http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German
Vegetable Oil http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German - Simultaneously translated into English
Minimum of 15 English/conference speaking participants required.


Business Exchange : http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm
Export - Financing http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German - Simultaneously translated into English
 Minimum of 15 English/conference speaking participants required.
International Environmental Protection Projects:  http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: Germanonference Lang
International Project Financing http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: EnglishConference
Ireland: Renewable Energies http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German

Financing http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German
Legislation http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm   Conference Language: German
Solar Climatisation   http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German - Simultaneously translated into English
 Minimum of 15 English/conference speaking participants required.
Solar Initiatives http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German
Thermal Photovoltaics http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: EnglishConference

Media Forum  http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German

Micro- Cogeneration http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German
Geothermal Energy http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German
European Energy Policy http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German
Old Building http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German
Energy-Efficient Renovation http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German
Energy Consulting http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German
Software http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German

Subsidies   http://www.energiemessen.de/engl/index_kongress.htm Conference Language: German
Within the next weeks the congress programme will be available here for download in PDF format.  You can pre-order a printed verion here. <http://www.energie-server.de/php_formulare/cep_kontakt/kontakt.htm>

Interested exhibitors please order a non-confidential offer for CLEAN ENERGY POWER® 2005:
http://www.energie-server.de/php_formulare/cep_angebot/kontakt_engl.html. You will receive the offer by email.

Further information about CLEAN ENERGY POWER®2005 and our other events can be found at: